
As lovers welded by their passion
hands, by gloves, encased in fashion
And though they are as second skin
They let naught out and less comes in

When they stroke you – silken touch
No warmth, no sign, you can’t feel much
The gloves themselves absorb from each
Unfeeling lie, devoid of speech.

Smooth facade, so uniform
They bring you shelter from the storm
Promote a sense of charm and grace
And tightly keep each thing in place.

So close, and yet they cannot feel
their fellow fingers – are they real?
Do they protect or do they smother?
When I see gloves, I see my mother.

1969 / Revised 1990

I, having lived my life as I have, and…
having spent it with those, who…
I, being human
think a lot and a little of – respectively.

Called, as described in the Book of Life –

The book of life being the dictionary,
and friends, per se, a numbered page

Except for those who
stand out among all
as being a part

This category, both small and varied
contains in it those things which
mean very little to the other
walking, breathing creatures of flesh around me.

And, in this portion I find that
I, marvel of creation, can,
make a Somebody out of the surging masses
Faces – all NOBODYS.

Feburary 1989

(Fragmentary –

The way to fix a thing is not
to glue it together at the spot
of greatest wear and pray it hold
But to tear it asunder – be brave, be bold

pieces of pie)

Stand up, take stock, the pieces there
can fit together if you dare.
Like a jigsaw puzzle with no constraints
toss out the garbage – peruse what remains

(Put them together

Carefully, cautiously, lay them in place
Glue them down firmly, embellish with lace
The picture thus formed, different and new
Will be to the spirit a room with a view

Before you DIE)



A single raised track.
Unmistakably denotes the center of the road.
No explanations necessary.

Brightly colored vehicles
Horsepower defined – limited.
The driver knows – the rules are clear.
Safety, predictability engineered.

Who is really in control? – We know.
He who holds the wheel is merely
An Activated Passenger.

Participation in the process lulls him, and
Numbly, he BELIEVES.
And takes great pains to ensure
Safe arrival at the final destination.


Technological Perfection.
Eat (chemically flavored cardboard)
Drink (guaranteed 100% pure industrial waste)
And Be Merry. (How ‘ya feelin’, sweetie??)
(Hence the current frenzy over foreign imports)


Where none exist –

Once erected;

Vamp and fade out.