Dearest friends and family
It is now 5:30 in the morning and I am unable to sleep another wink. (This may come as a shock to those who know me really well, but I swear its the truth! my stomach is full of butterflies and my dreams are filled with clear and visible visions!) Yesterday I got a call that the corrective eye surgery which I have been planning to have has been approved and the probable date is June 22. I will know for sure by Friday, but am ecstatic just thinking about it.
The surgery is actually one which has been used in conjunction with cataract surgery for over 30 years, where a contact lens is implanted in the eye in front of your own lens (cataract surgery involves the removal of the bad lens and replacement with an artificial lens). This corrects the vision and (best case) you have no need for glasses. The use of this technique as a stand-alone surgery is new, and therefore I am participating in an FDA approval study (thanks to my adorable, wonderful Stanley Postar!!!- whom I adore)(will this get me any further discounts, Stan? – I could say I worship you, too, if you’d like) This will significantly reduce the fiscal burden of the procedure (isn’t that a nice way to say its cheap?) as well as allow me to further the cause of science (they didn’t want my brain). Unfortunately, I will have to wear glasses for the three weeks preceeding the surgery, as the refraction that they will do prior to surgery will determine what correction the implanted lenses will have, and the curvature of the eye, etc., which is affected by the lens, needs to “undo” itself in that time. Since my coke bottle glasses weigh a ton, that is a drag, but one that I am more than willing to undergo. But I can still complain about it, right?
The surgery is done one eye at a time, at a distance of six months. It will require a fair amount of visits to Los Angeles, before, during and after each surgery. Probably (knowing me) I can incorporate visiting into each appointment and spend a few days for each one hour visit. Sounds like a plan to me 🙂 . I am working on making this year one into which I can fit seeing everyone whom I have neglected, and make them good and fun visits – none of this in and out for a cup of coffee kind of visiting. 🙂 – Let’s do lunch!
I wanted to share with you my fantasy – to be able to enter a restaurant, look around, and SEE the faces at the tables clearly, so I can tell if the person I am looking for is actually there (it is so frustrating to only be able to see a sea of fuzzy round balls – and I know I look ridiculous trying to scan the distance to find someone – waiting for that new, improved radar). Since I have worn glasses since the age of one, it is something I have never actually experienced, only dreamt about. But I have a good imagination, and have pasted together what it might be like in my head. WOW – would that be amazing!!! So make sure you take the time to be grateful for the gift of sight, if you have it. 🙂
Naturally, this event immediately preceeds what I found out yesterday will be Daniels Orientation date at UC San Diego, the 23rd and 24th of June. Actually, he just wants to go down there with his girlfriend and have me get lost anyway, so maybe I can accomodate. Sara has a bunch of plans that include my getting lost as well, although I am far less apt to go along with those particular plans. Sorry, Sara!
Shlomo is indeed going to Japan for a four month stint beginning June 9, right after Daniels graduation. Its a wonderful opportunity for him career-wise, and I think will prove to be a good move. Unfortunately, Sara and I will not be able to join him, as the accomodations there are dormitory style for this particular appointment. That combined with the typhoon season and excessive heat have convinced me not to make it an issue. Unfortunately that will mean that we won’t be together for our 25th anniversary ( CAN U believe it?), but we’ll just have to save the celebrating till we reach our 50th. 🙂 Honestly, it will be difficult, but we will manage somehow. He returns mid September for a conference in Palm Desert for a week or two, so its really only three months. Of course, the conference coincides with Daniels beginning of school week, but we will manage to work out something. What an exciting year this is turning out to be! Can hardly believe how the time has flown, but have managed to adjust my psyche to the inevitable. I am proud and happy that he is ready to fly, and I know he is competent, responsible and a heck of good guy. Besides, I happen to really adore him – mind you, it is a very objective view I hold, even if I AM his mother. 🙂 Never argue with anyone’s mom! – we are all tigers with our brood.
So the summer stretches out ahead, full of possibilities. I look forward to all the wonderful new experiences that await us just around the bend – can hardly believe how far we’ve come. Am planning to do something for Sara’s Sweet 16 sometime in August – although I don’t know what yet. Considering a musical barbeque soiree – everyone invited – which is sounding pretty good to me. I will keep you posted. I am not 100% positive of my dates yet, but I fully intend to make full use of every single visit to LA – I want to catch up on all my neglected friends.
I hope that your week brings you as many wonderful and exciting surprises as this one has to me.
This email carries with it all of my Joy and Excitement, that it might bring some into your life as well.
My heartfelt Love to each and every one of you