To dumpster dive youd best prepare
For sights and sounds you werent aware
For smelly things with slimy trails
And burning hearts and holy grails
The rotten things they stink and fester
Leave huge tracks from the molestor
Ive thought them through and made a space
For undisturbed, yet not erased
I do not think it wise to dump
It all on you, my forrest gump
No chocolate candies, visions rare
No shining knights, nor ladies fair
Im proud of me, what Ive become
The paths Ive traveled, wars Ive won
The way in which Ive turned my fate
To something rare and something great
My opus magnus, you and she
Are all that really count, you see
My greatest wish when small and crying
To give dreams wings and send them flying
Not perfect, no but good enough
Although not easy, not too rough
Enough resilience, talent, spunk
To see the truth through all the junk
My job is done, the task complete
Time to sit back, time to eat
Enjoy the fruits – a lifetimes toil
The richness from a fertile soil
To shoulder this is not your chore
Go and make your life much more
Imagine greatness – make it true
These the things I wish for you.